'Help Save The American Dream'.
For some time now, America has faced monumental adversity that should have brought out the best in US... but it hasn't.
Instead... September 11th, the threat of economic collapse and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now…
Israel/Iran/Gaza/Hezbollah have revealed how truly far we have drifted away from the values that made America great... AND...
Today, much of the World is on Fire and America is weak in the knee.
America has lost sight of her purpose and suffers a great loss of economic, military and moral authority and our timing couldn't be worse.
At one time, American leaders worked hard to lead America to a better place... but now, many of our elected officials do little more than manipulate US for power and profit.
Today, I'm sad to say...
America is being led towards a very dark and dangerous place.
The fabric that holds America together is coming apart right before our very eyes.
America is in trouble and We MUST come together as a nation... before it's too late.
But the forces that conspire to rip US apart have grown strong and will not cede power until we force them to loosen their grip.
We need to begin to change the rules of the game, because the game that they play is dirty and it's unfair.
So, we MUST have a game changing idea or two...
or better yet 7.
Without a strong sense of national purpose, We will continue to see only what the political animals want US to see...
just how different Americans can be.
For 23 years, America's political parties have stoked our emotional flames and kept US at war with each other.
It's no wonder common ground is so hard to find... but no one can debate the virtues of every American believing in The American Dream.
So 'Help Save The American Dream'...
before it's too late.
a MASSIVE 388 tweet Strategic Plan to unite 300 million Americans to…
1. The Nonviolence Solution to Terrorism has been reduced to 388 epic tweets. I know that's quite a claim. But scroll to the bottom of this Twitter page and you will see for yourself that it's true and how it will change---
More: https://x.com/freicemedia
2. A GoFundMe Campaign to 'Help Save The American Dream'.
More: https://gofundme.com/f/TheBostonProject…
3. FREICE MEDIA... is a way to RE-PURPOSE The World's NEGATIVE social and political energy into a MASSIVE campaign for POSITIVE change by providing The People 'the word weapons & ideas' we need to wrestle political control of away from The World's Authoritarian Thugs.
More: http://Freice.com
4. 'The Party of US' (coming soon)... is a way to END Two Party Rule in America by destroying America's two major political parties and replacing them with... ONE TEMPORARY... Political Party called THE PARTY OF US.
More: http://ThePartyOfUS.com
5. The primary business proposition of this new venture will become... http://TheDreamFeeder.com.
'The Dream Feeder'... will become the single most important venture in the world... because it will facilitate a MASSIVE transfer of knowledge to all corners of the world... and help solve the problems of Income Inequality, Mass Migration and The Out of Control Cost of Higher Education.
http://TheDreamFeeder.com ... IS COMING SOON.
6. The 174 Billion Dollar Entrepreneurial Fund... In every city, state and town in America... all Americans Wishing to pursue their American Dream will begin with a visit to their local Library and witness its transformation into a Community Entrepreneurial Support Center.
More: https://linkedin.com/pulse/coming-soon-174-billion-dollar-entrepreneurial-fund-e-fund-media/…
YOU... can fix this problem by Swarming EVERY City/Town Hall in America & one voter after another... reduce the rolls of Democratic and Republican Parties to Party Elites who created this mess.
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