Hi Everyone... my name is Bill Keefe. I’m a Social Entrepreneur and I've just launched a MASSIVE new venture called Freice Media.
What's Freice Media? It's how we 'fix' The Post 9.11 World's biggest problems with....
'The Law of Attraction'
Some people call it... The Law of Attraction. I call it common sense.
Think about that long enough and you will understand why The World is such a bloody mess.
'Help Save The American Dream'.
And things will get much, much, much better!
The popularity of Social Networking Technology has helped shine a light on why orators, artists and authors have created such sway for themselves throughout human history.
Fundamentally all humans have a story and their infinite value comes from their desire and ability to share it.
Today's technology allows for all people to Tell and... SELL... their story. And if they do share the lessons of their life's journey within the right context and to enough people, society has a very real chance to overcome all of the major crises of our time and so will the future generations to come.
Within each person or nation's climb is The Real Story about what ideas, beliefs and knowledge lead to a successful journey.
With all that is wrong in the world today... it's obvious the 'secrets' need to be shared with as many people and nations as possible.
So it's finally time to use Social Networking Technology to release the light within all of us by ushering in The 'magic' Learning Economy, a new system of economic prosperity that allows every person to play a dual role of Student and Teacher as we teach each other the secrets to living a successful Dream, in every language and every country in the world.
In time, We... You, Me and every person across the Globe will attempt to close "The Circle of Life" with the best stories delivered to the right person at the exact right time, chronicled and available to mankind forever... a Sacred Storytelling Medium of a sort, where each person can know that their life will have value in the now moment and long after they are gone.
This is...
Over time, we might even turn the world's education system on its head as we learn to ignore the generational wisdom of those who say you must have a degree... to become a Gifted Teacher. This Generation is on the very real verge of proving that being a Student of Life will suffice.
Why is a project like this so important?
What type of an impact do you think 100 million or so new "teachers" could make in the next year or two?
In every city, state and town in America... all Americans Wishing to pursue their American Dream will begin with a visit to their local Library and witness its transformation into a Community Entrepreneurial Support Center.
OR... visit... (coming soon).
The Entrepreneurial Spirit has always been the cornerstone of our Nation's advancement and economy.
Throughout our history, the government has taken a very active and supportive role in commercial enterprises. Now it is time for the government to remove the special interest stranglehold on business development and establish a direct function to widen the average American's access to the benefits of the entrepreneurial umbrella.
We must end the practice of campaign contributions influencing which ventures or industries will receive taxpayer dollars.
The E-Fund will invest taxpayer money at the individual level, based on thoroughness and viability of a business undertaking without regard for political connections and donations.
By making it possible… more will try.
And We need more to try!
The Objective is Simple… design institutional infrastructure aimed at demystifying and energizing the entrepreneurial process for those American Citizens with ideas and courage but without the historical experience, family/political connections or seed money to turn their thoughts into tangible value.
Every successful enterprise has common components which lead to success.
We will use social networking technology and a shared National Purpose to ensure the circulation of resources, experience and ideas for the greatest good of... The Many.
The Entrepreneurial Support Centers and E-Fund will make individual skill training and development a primary intention.
The Centers will also provide start-up expertise, seed capital investment and large scale coordination of federal, state and local resources while building a bridge to existing small and large business entities.
The intent of the Entrepreneurial Support Center is to provide idea incubation until the holder(s) of the idea invest enough "sweat equity" to create value which permits the proposition to stand on its own.
Once a sustainable business model is established, banks and other traditional funding mechanisms will take over.
Remember this... "If We build it...
Congress MUST fund it!"
These are the times We live and like it or not this tidal wave of chaos and change is beyond our ultimate control.
No... we can't control the fury, but we can make much, much better choices about how We channel the energy of The Next Storm.
Today... The World is on Fire and America is in a slump and while we are no longer the underdog, it's time for a late inning comeback and a good old-fashioned win...
before it's too late.
The agents of Darkness, Division, Hate & War have 23 years and momentum on their side, but they lack the ideas that make America great.
Unfortunately, America has lost a step or two and maybe even her 'way' because we lost sight of the original promise that brought prosperity and greatness our way.
Belief in America begins and ends with belief in The American Dream and America's fate is literally in our own hands when each of US finally chooses to see...
The words "Pursuit of Happiness" were written for you and for me.
The answers to our greatest problems will never be found in a speech... no matter how great the speaker and speechwriter may be.
The eventual solution to any problem will be unearthed by men and women who are willing to 'do what it takes' to get the job done.
'The Great Leadership Crisis' that I see is as vast as it is deep and over time it has become crystal clear to me that it is virtually impossible to 'knock-off' one problem at a time.
No, what The World needs to do is fix ALL the problems at the same time... and that means we are going to need the inspired effort and dreams of each and every person in The World.
Today, The World needs lots and lots of new heroes and leaders.
So, go ahead and ask your Self... if not You... who?
Right now, The World is led by a whole host of uninspired men and women who have come to believe that it is often better for them to let a problem go unfixed.
Simply put it is easier to blame someone else... than to accept the difficulties and the burden of 'the fix'... and for a while they were right.
But now almost everything needs to be fixed.
Over the last 249 years it has been The American Better Self that brought great light and beauty into the world.
Unfortunately, since September 11th... it is The American Lesser Self that has been making most of the news.
The good news?
If you watch the news closely, it's easy to see a marvelous shift in the debate over prevailing ideas has taken place.
No longer is it a question of if Freedom, Equality, Democracy and Capitalism are the right ideas.
What the world wants to know now is... IF... The People of America still believe in those ideas and whether The American 'Better Self' is still in control of America.
Given the critical nature of the times we live, it's finally time for The Good People of The World to choose, once and for all...
what type of world do We really want to live in...
'More' or 'Less'.
Lost in all the bad news of the day is the truth that The American Better Self has never been stronger than it is today and that contained in 'The Great Leadership Crisis' are the opportunities of a lifetime for anyone who is willing to share in the burden and share in the hard work of fixing what has gone so wrong.
My hope is... that by sharing my observations and beliefs, that you might also come to see 'the answer' to getting the most out of your life and 'the solution' to fixing The World's leadership crisis have always been... one in the same.
P.S. Freice Media is where and how we begin to...
23 years after 9.11...
America is still in peril and every day more and more people find themselves losing their jobs and businesses, their homes and their faith in The American Dream... and for good reason.
Find that reason, "The Purpose" for the struggle, for the pain or for the loss and Hope is truly on the way. Fail to make good sense of it all and hope slips away day after day after day.
When times get tough it's up to you to stand strong. Deciding to uncover the purpose for the pain and for your strength of mind and common sense is a choice that only you can make... but believe me when I say, it makes all the difference in the world!
Today we know it's not right when college students burdened with tuition and credit card debt choose a first job for the "purpose" of paying down their debt. Predictably, too many perform poorly in positions that barely hold their attention and are forever limited by their unimpressive dreams and resumes.
And what about the high tech engineer... highly educated and skilled. She knows she can do more, a lot more as she waits patiently for her boss to be promoted or to recommend promotion when the "opportunity presents itself".
But don't we really need "her time" and opportunity to be right now? Can we really afford to keep her ambition at bay?
And what about... the factory worker who ensures excellence and precision day after day as he endures never ending rumors and threats of job layoffs. With his attention on financial fear he never seriously considers organizing his own ideas... and his co-workers into a company of his own. Just imagine how many jobs he could create if he wasn't so preoccupied with saving his own job and putting food on the table or saving his home from foreclosure.
And somewhere in America...
A Teacher wakes at 3am. With eyes wide-open she reaches for a sleeping pill instead of the pen and paper that would open her eyes to the idea trying to see the light of day... each night.
And a Security Guard dreams of airtight port security but instead of writing his ideas down and backing them with research and attention he thinks to himself "Too bad I didn't go to college, no one will ever listen to me." So he turns his thoughts to Seinfeld and away from the needs of his Nation.
Somewhere in America a Pharmacist complains to his wife about his boring life. In the shower before work, Inspiration visits him with an idea for senior prescription cost savings and he responds by mumbling under his breath "I don't have the time".
And a woman enters a Mosque and prays for peace. When she leaves the Mosque she feels a calling to bring people together. Too afraid to take the next step, the peace that she seeks... remains beyond all our reach.
What have right now in America and around the world is tremendous unrest and painful political, economic and social divisions caused in large part by Income Inequality.
What we need, more than anything else is a robust 'Philosophical Solution' to help solve the growing problem of Income Inequality... and for everyone to see that Our Ancestors released the magical power of "The Philosopher's Stone" into the world on July 4th 1776 when they gave US... The Idea of Equality for All.
In case you didn't know...
The Philosopher's Stone is a mythical alchemical substance with great healing qualities that is also thought capable of turning base metals, especially lead, into gold.
In other words, The Philosopher's Stone turns common resources into something rare and very valuable... just like The American Dream.
Why is this "Uniting Philosophical Solution" so important?
Because somewhere in the mind of a person like you is the idea for an American Dream or two and in these troubled times... We need to be able to depend on the college student, the engineer, the factory worker, the teacher, the security guard, the pharmacist, the believer and of course You...To do more than anybody thought could be done.
That's 'the secret' behind The American Dream!
There is a single 'fiery' thread of Inspiration that began with The Signing of The Declaration of Independence in 1776.
AND... The fire that burned in the belly of those who fought in America's Revolutionary War is the same 'Flame' that burned inside those who fought for The Union in The Civil War and was also inside of those who fought for racial equality in The Civil Rights Movement.
AND... 'The Flame' now fuels the unrest in Ukraine, Asia, The Middle East and Africa and has finally spread to America- once again.
In other words, today it is critically important for everyone in The World to finally understand that a fire will very much remain in the belly of mankind... UNTIL...
The Inspired promise of Equality for ALL, that gave way to The American Way, is finally set in stone- not just here in America but throughout the world as well.
AND... It is up to us... YOU and ME to make the very most of this idea BEFORE the fire that consumes Our Good Nature...
burns out of control.
As you consider what this all means and... IF... these ideas are worth your time and attention, think for a moment about what you would do... IF... just like me, you also came to believe, that for the first time in human history, advanced technology now makes it possible to do almost anything you can conceive.
Well then maybe, just maybe, you would be willing to spend a little time to find out... IF... it really is possible for YOU to finally make your dream come true...
now... today... too.
After all...
What could be more precious to You than a dream come true?
The God Given Right To Pursue Your Dreams... that is where The Power of The American Dream begins. But that is not where it ends. In fact, it NEVER ends.
Let me explain...
It doesn't matter who you are OR where you were born and live OR what color skin you were born in. NO. When it comes to The Power of The American Dream all that matters... IS... for you to grow strong enough to bend THE FLOW OF INSPIRATION towards you... BEFORE... someone else grows strong enough to bend the flow of Inspiration towards them.
I am about to share a secret with you that is going to change everything... and by with 'you'...
I mean with everyone in The World.
Bill Gates founded Microsoft and Steve Jobs founded Apple and countless others discovered countless medical cures and wrote marvelous books and plays and movies and television shows and basically...
But the exciting truth is... it didn't have to be them.
In fact, if it wasn't them...
it could have been you.
Or someone just like you.
AND WHAT GOOD THINGS COME NEXT... could very well come to you... IF...
you grow strong enough to bend the flow of Inspiration towards you.
With these 388 tweets...
I am going to teach you all you need know to begin to bend the flow of Inspiration towards you.
Whether or not you can learn all that you need to know, before someone beats you to it...
Well, that's all up to you.
THE GOOD LIFE... is an upper-middle class lifestyle. AND 100 years from now, EVERY man woman and child in EVERY nation state on Earth will be living it. AND that means everyone will live in a nice home, in a safe neighborhood and everyone will drive a nice car, send their kids to good schools and have great healthcare... AND... an old-age to look forward to.
That's my dream... it's also the reason that I gave just about everything that I had to give on my end, to help make sure that THIS dream comes true here in America... sooner rather than later.
Unfortunately, some people are equally committed to making sure that a dream like this NEVER comes true.
For the purposes of this fight... we will call the people who believe in the idea that the strong should rule the weak... 'The Elitists'.
These 'elitists' are the people who never bought into the idea that the word "all"...
Really does mean ALL.
Among these Elitists is Vladimir Putin and countless men and women throughout the world with tremendous money, power and influence.
AND... what makes this foe so difficult to defeat is the fact that these Elitists often pretend to fight for us. When in reality, they do all they can to make sure that we NEVER grow strong enough to take any money, power and influence away from them.
It's The Elitists who stoke our emotional flames and keep US at war with each other. They do this so we can't see who is really to blame for America's problems with Income Inequality and perpetual war... AND... it's because of that--- that it's finally time for...
My new venture... *Freice Media*... isn't just a new business. It's a comprehensive Strategy for Winning... The War of Ideas... that began on September 11th.
AND the way we finally do that... is to turn this fight into a fight over Dreams.
Once that happens, it won't take very long for everyone to see that this fight has always been a fight against... 'The Elitists'.
Freice Media... IS...
HOW... we UNITE THE WORLD and create a new Path to The Good Life for...
'all people in every nation state on Earth'.
In 2008… I became consumed with the idea that the secret to making any American Dream come true… was a math problem that needed to be solved. And that made The American Dream--- just like everything else in The Universe.
I also came to believe I was on the cusp of solving this problem.
If true… once solved, this ‘solution’ could be shared with EVERY person in the world. Giving… TRUE HOPE… to everyone in The World willing and able to live their life by the formula this discovery was about to produce.
In 2008… I was a terrible example of such a magnificent breakthrough. My nationwide Behavioral Health initiative for college students had failed and I had just moved home with my parents to find the strength for whatever would come next.
AND… I was a truly flawed man who had made enough mistakes to last a lifetime.
BUT… in 2008… I came to realize my mistakes and failures while significant, were relatively insignificant in the global scheme of things and… IF… I could prove this solution works--- even for ‘someone like me’… Well, that would truly become new Good News… for countless millions of others who had also lived flawed lives.
'The Secret Dream Code' formula that I am about to reveal to you… IS… the exact ‘code’ that I have lived my life by for the past 17 years. And that is the true story behind how I came to conceive of this new venture to unite 300 million Americans. So we can put politics aside & begin to fix all that has gone so terribly wrong in post 9.11 America.
The Universe is governed by rules. We call some of these rules Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Physics, The Law of Gravity and Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Lumped all together we call these rules... Math.
The American Dream also has 'rules' and over time I thought maybe, just like everything else in the universe... The American Dream may also be governed by 'math'. Not simple math but higher math that we might find a way to understand someday.
If true, then the 'magic' formula must be an algorithm of a sort that makes all dreams... good and bad come true.
If true, then the 'magic' formula would look a lot like this...
The Secret Dream Code: Rate of Freedom x Degree of Faith x Speed of Courage x Delay in Gratification = 'The Dream'.
Here are the basics-
'How You See Your Self'... is the magic code in the back of your mind and deep in your soul. If you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror or when you look at your career or when you pick up a newspaper, then the 'lost secret' to The American Dream is what you seek.
In order to survive in this modern world You MUST possess the right codes and NOT be possessed by the wrong ones.
Each person, family, nation and race has a sacred obligation to acquire the right codes before it is too late.
This 'race' is The Human Race... and it's a race that ALL can win.
The starting place is unequal and it is true, there will be many losers... but NOT because they began the race in the wrong place.
Who wins and who loses is determined only by the earned ability to be in the right place when this race finally comes to an end... and the new one begins.
Remember... just as ALL can win this race- in this modern world, ALL can lose as well.
Need proof? Take a look at 'The Modern Kennedy Family'.
Where to begin?
Always begin with 'Purpose'... AND... with the Idea that YOUR MONEY SERVES A PURPOSE TOO... AND... SELF-SACRIFICE for the BETTERMENT OF OTHERS is Deep Beautiful Magic.
Why begin there?
Because Inspiration comes as a thread and because You MUST Do the thing that you see needs to be done, first... EVEN IF IT HURTS... AND... EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY... AND... EVEN IF IT TAKES LONGER THAN YOU THINK IT SHOULD.
And remember, intense, prolonged periods of stress can activate or "turn on" parts of the brain that give a person access to amazing 'inspired' thought.
Stress can be a very, very good thing if the cause of the stress is a cause or 'Purpose' worth fighting for. Otherwise, Stress is a killer.
The most beautiful code ever given to man is the idea that ALL men and women are created equal... but NOT all ideas... and the only way to respond to problems that rise out of darkness and hate is more 'light'. Why? Because 'darkness is the absence of light'.
What's 'the secret' behind bringing more light into your life?
Only You- can pay the price for more light and make the darkness melt into The Light.
In this modern world, when The Idea of Equality spreads... 'great light and beauty' manifests and spreads.
As more and more people fancy themselves as modern-day Kings and Queens--- more and more people will 'sell their soul' for power. When that happens, sooner or later and one way or another there will be 'hell to pay'.
Every 'thing' is a mystery with a Sequence of Codes waiting to be discovered... with the price for 'darkness' and 'light' being the same... Trial and Error... resulting in different codes of course.
And nothing is more important than where you 'draw the line'.
Why? Because... The Universe is self-balancing.
So if you have a sticky situation of any kind, to fix it... think... Fractal Geometry.
Every Thing of value has a price... and No Thing 'out of balance' works as it should and in Order to get an Inspired thing right, you MUST get the price, timing and the order of things right AND choose for your Self the right side of 'More' or 'Less'.
Because technology has finally thinned the line between "Success" and "Failure" to the point where anyone who makes the right or wrong choices regarding how they spend their time and money can move along lines and circles that were not a part of their family's original "fate".
Need proof? Ask 'The GraigsList Killer' Philip Markoff... and the singer Susan Boyle to tell you their stories.
Within each and every one of us are two conflicting spirits... one that serves only 'The Light' and one that serves only 'The Dark'.
The spirit that serves The Light is... The Better Self and the spirit that serves The Dark is... The Lesser Self. Most simply put, our life conditions and circumstances reflect which spirit is in charge of our life at any given moment in time.
Our beliefs shape the nature of 'the battle' within us... but it is our choices that prove the true nature of our beliefs and reveal which spirit is in charge... More or Less.
The pursuit of purpose and the pursuit of The Better Self is a symbiotic relationship... one cannot exist without the other.
Each time we choose we make a conscious choice to 'feed' the ideas, attitudes, habits, thoughts and behaviors of one spirit or the other. The power of either spirit to 'attract' more light or darkness into our lives, adjusts one way or another by degree based on what spirit is 'fed' and what spirit is not.
This is how 'The Law of Attraction' works.
The two spirits constantly fight and for some, neither spirit will gain the upper hand within their lifetime.
For others, one spirit clearly dominates the other... and in rare circumstances pure Evil is created when 'The Dark Spirit' kills off any sign of 'Light'.
For a relative few each spirit grows VERY strong at the same time.
When this happens, each side does what it can to turn the battle... into a life or death struggle- where only one victor will survive.
That's how the destiny and fate of President William Jefferson Clinton collided with the destiny and fate of The White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
The good news? 'You Become That Which You See Your Self Do'... that's the idea that will change everything for good.
Remember, every thing that you have seen your Self do matters... but what matters most is what you have seen your Self do... most recently.
Meaning, you very much can teach 'an old dog new tricks'... IF... you find a 'way' to put the past in its place.
AND Remember...
Sometimes in the doing of 'Good'...
DON'T STOP DOING THE GOOD... because bad things happen.
'The American Dream'... is not just for Americans and it's not a house with a white picket fence. It's not a nice car or boat. It's not going to college. It's an inspired dream about the way things ought to be and for those who do what it takes to make The World a Better Place... come the rewards that might come in the form of a nice house, car or boat.
But if you pursue "the rewards" without the pursuit of The Dream, it won't take long to see you aren't really free if you go to work each day for the purpose of making another person's dreams come true. For a time, too many people went straight to collecting 'the symbols of success' only to find out over time, that the symbols of success without 'the journey' and The Dream... are unsustainable.
The Rate of Freedom... You aren't free if you are a Slave to indebtedness of ANY kind. Freedom is Intellectual and Emotional and when it comes to "feeling free" to pursue The American Dream... both are equally important. So what's standing in the way of experiencing the Intellectual Growth that grows bank accounts and happiness? A lack of Emotional Freedom caused by blocking beliefs. It's these "blocking beliefs" that keep average people from learning the knowledge that technology is eager to teach... everyone.
The Degree of Faith… Life and energy have a flow and those who “do all they can with what they have” always find that they have all the energy and cooperation they need to fulfill their inspired purposes. When you come to realize this, the golden key then becomes your own action and Not the permission of others. Building faith in your 'Self', Your Neighbor and in God (if you so choose) comes with a price… enough Trust to continuously take actions based only in that trust even in the face of harsh and predictable consequences or discomfort.
The Speed of Courage… The fear of pain is often much more painful than the pain that comes from doing the right thing. And the 'secret' to building courage is to feel the sting of the pain and still 'do the right thing' again and again. Bold and Strong people gain their strength by overcoming Pain and all the rest of life’s obstacles that are unknown and unknowable to those who are overly concerned with finding “the path of least resistance”.
Character... forged by courage has a speed and sometimes, just as the song says "the waiting is the hardest part", but having the courage to 'show up on-time' with an open mind to the far-reaching possibilities beyond your current abilities... Well let's just say, those are two of the most important ongoing factors in making your dreams come true.
The Delay of Gratification... Absence of Money, Love, Success and Good Health can be a true godsend... IF... you can discover 'the purpose' that makes it all good in the end. Money and Success feed the ego and shift the Self's attention to the celebration and the pursuit of comfort and pleasure. Keep the celebration and excessive pleasure at bay and you will "attract" the rest of the ideas and cooperation that will make for a lasting celebration... someday soon when the Purpose and Better Self are complete.
Delay Gratification long enough and a degree of Self-Sacrifice begins to set in and... the "demons" begin to step out. TENACITY, TENACITY, TENACITY is the key to unlocking 'the secrets' to ANY Dream.
It took a financial system meltdown and a mortgage and credit crisis for millions of Americans to see working for the purpose of monthly payments is a nightmare in the making. It's simple, if you aren't free to pursue your own dreams then you aren't free to dream The American Dream. That's why there isn't a "Roman Dream" or a "Hitler Dream" or a "Soviet Dream".
With all this mounting Debt... it's plain to see America is becoming less free one Credit Card purchase, one Big Bank Bailout and one lost American Dream at a time.
As you venture out of various shades and layers of grey and perhaps even darkness into a new world... a world that is more 'light' and filled with all the good things that come from the ideas and instincts of 'light', resist with all your heart the temptation to accept 'less' for your Self... and then get prepared for the fight of your life. Or at the very least brace your Self for the pain that always comes from meaningful change.
Because nothing 'changes a person' faster and more effectively than pain... for good or bad.
P.S. The Lost Secret to The American Dream... IS...
Belief in YOUR True Equality.
It's true. With belief in your True Equality...
there is very little YOU can't do.
How will you look back on your life at the end? Will you know satisfaction or will you know regret?
Your life… is exactly what those words imply. You own it now and at the end when there is no more time or second chances.
Will you move towards satisfaction, or will you die in envy of those people who are purposeful and fulfilled?
Instead of a few regrets will you have many?
This is your decision… to live a purposeful existence or not.
Purpose charts the course of your life by which…
All decisions have context…
All time spent worthwhile…
All relationships meaningful…
All Inspired ideas valuable.
With clarity of Purpose you will become what you feel is possible regardless of past hurt, failures and intimidation. Without Purpose you will always feel that there is something more for you to do with your life without ever knowing what it was.
You will pass on without having delivered your contribution.
Purpose provides the seeds of strength where weakness prevailed. Purpose provides the seeds of intelligence when little has been demonstrated. Purpose provides the seeds of courage when strong character has been elusive.
In the face of adversity and doubt…
Purpose fends off detractors.
Purposeful people are fueled by an energy known to very few. This energy transforms life into what is possible without regard for what has been done.
The now and the future become your friend and the past obsolete.
Seeds of knowledge are the product of your experiences instead of scars and baggage.
Friends & Neighbors I say all of this to you today because on the day after 9.11...
my Purpose changed.
I couldn't see it at the time but as I look back at the past 23 years... it is Crystal Clear to me now, that it was my Change of Purpose and my steadfast commitment to see my purpose through to the end...
that changed my consciousness.
And then The Law of Attraction impacted every aspect of my life.
It's a very long story... BUT... the most important lesson of my journey is this:
If you... PICK A PURPOSE... no matter how big and seemingly impossible that Purpose may appear to you at the time... AND... never stop trying---
no matter how long it takes, how much it hurts and how much it costs...
Well, then you literally can achieve just about anything in this... Modern World.
And today I can FINALLY prove it!
Today begins a new period of human progress where the contributions of each individual are not incremental but instead essential.
Together we face great adversity once again.
And Our response to the challenges of our day must be rooted in the same spirit of necessity that called upon our ancestors to overcome economic and cultural limitations to produce leaders and contributors from common men and women.
This too is our calling... to bring forward the inspired ideas and contributions of every person in The World.
Because each of us has... a role... a talent to be developed... a special idea... a purpose for our abilities and a private trust in viability.
Your story (if you choose) is an important part of the much, much larger 'Story of Man' using Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Ancient Scripts, Sacred Texts, Math, Science and Advanced Technology to manifest so much Pain, Darkness and Shame.
Whether this larger story has a happy ending or not... depends on what stories this generation chooses to treasure and whether they Light the World or not.
For all of us... hero or not, it is our beliefs that either stand in our way or help us on our way.
"Wisdom is Always Yours" when you finally see for your Self that your self-defeating beliefs no longer hold sway.
Inspiration's Power to Inspire You to do things you didn't think you could do is an Ancient Mystery with signs and secret codes that only you can see.
It's not Da Vinci's Code or "The Lost Symbol". No, this thrilling drama is about You... battling demons, exposing dark secrets, avoiding temptation and at the end of your journey- shining another light on mankind's remarkable journey of enlightenment and Self-Evolution.
Make no mistake, this is the time to be alive!
We no longer live in a world where bad parenting or poor performance in grade school needs to determine the value or role a person can presume in their lifetime.
No, while the world set its sights on Terrorism, War and episode after episode of Reality TV... many of the rules of individual advancement have changed.
Because of modern education and social networking technology almost any person in the world can become an expert on any subject that inspires their mind's eye and effort and create for themselves a magnificent Role and Value for which they will be compensated.
If true, then why is so much of the world in economic decline or on fire... and why haven't we been able to take full advantage of the technological revolution?
Because... the dominating beliefs that make up "the code" that form the True Nature of Self... good or bad... attractive or unattractive... lucky or unlucky... equal or unequal... lovable or not... are formed in childhood and immediately after your most painful experiences as a child or as an adult.
These dominating beliefs become the framework for understanding the world around you and your place in it. To put it another way, these dominating beliefs become your Consciousness.
Unfortunately, many of our beliefs are wrong, untrue or simply don't work for us anymore and Holding-On to "bad code" can limit aspirations and hope.
Through trial and error and countless observations I have learned many lessons, but perhaps the single most important lesson is this...
a person's Brain Power is determined less by childhood IQ and more by the passion and commitment to 'The Purpose' for their intelligence as an adult.
And at any time, hidden talents and abilities can be awakened and a person's consciousness changed by constantly feeding the three 'magic' emotions of Freedom, Faith and Courage.
If it's The American Dream that you seek then you will need to hit "delete all" and bring all the bad code and beliefs to a painful end. But to live "The Dream" you will need to attract more Light into Your Life by acquiring a Special Purpose for your Self- and a measure of True Belief in the most important of all beliefs... The Idea of Equality.
Without an individual Belief in Equality (at least for some) "The Idea of America" would still be a dream.
As more and more people fought for and gained their Equality over time...
America became The Greatest Nation on Earth.
But there was a time, not so very long ago when talk of True Equality for Everyone would have done more harm than good.
"True" Equality was simply beyond mankind's ability to educate the masses about the idea that True Equality can't be given-
it can only be Proven True over time...
one person at a time.
In a very real 'way'... because there is no shortcut to gain True Equality, the organized pursuit of Equality often leads to the manifestation of great light and beauty... making The Idea of Equality both 'magic' and at the same time 'strategic', especially when the promise of Equality becomes the 'God Given' founding promise of an about to be- free nation.
Why should you care about True Equality for Everyone?
Because all American Dreams begin with a strong Sense of Purpose, "a chip on your shoulder" and a hint of equality.
Ultimately, the size and scope of Your American Dream will depend entirely on your willingness and ability to Prove yourself anyone's equal and believe me, as you reach for your dreams you will want everyone to see you as Equal to The Task...
especially, if in the beginning you are not.
For lots of reasons, over the last 23 years or so, belief in The American Dream has waned and that's a shame... because with all the bad news out there, no one heard the news that the 'lost secret' to The American Dream has been found.
If true, then this just might be the good news that America has been waiting for... because news feeds on itself. Unfortunately, right now the news is bad... and every "bad news" political/economic story comes with a sometimes hidden, very dangerous underlying message that The American Dream is dead or on its last leg.
This new venture will help to expose that lie and others and bring to light 'the secrets' that keep The Dream alive.
No single person... no matter what they say or how much money they spend can control the direction of the economy, but we can all control what we choose to believe.
If you turn your attention towards The American Dream and away from all the nonsense of the day then you become The One... instead of The President, who gives US reason to Hope for a better day.
The American Dream is a vision that was born out of the promise that every person is entitled to "the pursuit of happiness" and the expectation that our leaders will do the right thing, when the right thing needs to be done.
If and when the day ever comes when every American begins working towards their American Dream...
Well, let's just say the good news about that will spread and the vicious political & economic cycle we all find ourselves in... will finally come to an end, one inspired storyline at a time.
The really good news about The American Dream is that dreams are free, and "happiness" becomes the state of mind of those who believe they are tracking towards their dreams. And it doesn't matter how far away they may actually be, when each step forward, no matter how painful brings a peace of mind that comes from knowing that...
"Things are only getting better" here in America.
What's the 'lost secret' to The American Dream?
It's YOUR belief in... The Idea of Equality.
And your 'piece of The American Dream'... no matter where you live or the color of the skin you were born in, comes from doing your share to finally prove to The World that in the year 2025 and beyond...
we ALL now live in a beautiful, 'magical' moment in time, when all people in every nation state on Earth have the technology to...
make their dreams come true!
It isn't hard to see how the dreams of a child are lost or forgotten, when each day so many forces conspire to chip away at your imagination, your courage and your intellectual and emotional freedom.
Or perhaps for you it is more than just unrealized dreams.
Instead, there was never any real hope for what the future would bring so the dreams never came or if they did come, they were never fed well enough to grow.
And if the visions weren't worth continuing to dream about... should it be any surprise that the thoughts or actions necessary for any dream to come true never materialized?
No matter...
Step outside the logical progression of your life and towards what you cherish... Seize Control...
Determine right now a Purpose for your self-expansion and put to good use the "extra" 10, 20 or 30 years of life that the inspired scientists have given to us.
With every breath you and I take come the second, third and fourth chances to make good on our childhood dreams... or even better, to dream as big an American Dream as any adult can dream.
The advanced technology that lights the world with a spreading hope also rips at the fabric of all the goodness that those who have gone before US... gave so much to advance.
The stakes are as high as they can be for you, your family and for humanity... with everyone rooting for you to have the freedom, faith and courage to throw your resume away and open a "new office" that goes with you wherever your imagination and travels might take you.
Think for a moment about how we have come to find ourselves in such a mess. The world mankind has created has so much good in it... but it's the bad that has the upper hand right now in so many hearts and parts of the world.
And this "bad" can only be overcome by Colossal Good!
All BIG plans begin with a first step and then the next.
The time for YOU to take Yours is FINALLY Here...
SO... Choose a Role!
At the core of 'Strategic Equality' is the idea that we live in a new time of new technology where ANYONE can make their dream come true... IF...
they are willing to pay the price.
When goes 'live'... together, we will finally prove this true.
Not just here in America, but all around The World too.
On Patriots Day... also known as Marathon Monday, dreams were very much coming true.
Money was being raised for charity, African athletic dominance was on display for the whole world to see. And for thousands upon thousands... months and sometimes years of very hard work had a 'finish line' that was finally in sight.
'The Secret' behind making any American Dream come true is the willingness to pay the price for the dream... in 'Blood, Sweat and Tears'. On Marathon Monday 2013, that 'secret' was being shared with the world... until EVERYTHING came to a bloody stop.
For a time, the two brothers who brought so many dreams to a horrific end with their dream of glorious jihad... well, they pursued dreams in America too.
But All American Dreams have periods of doubt and disbelief... and that's when The Disease of Muslim Extremism shredded their hopes and dreams.
The Radicals always insist that it isn't the fact that the would-be terrorists' wisdom and beliefs 'don't measure up' in this modern world... but that it is Our World that is corrupt, dirty and unclean. In their twisted view of things, in order to prove fidelity to God, you must be willing to purge the world of infidels... and that's where the murder of innocents comes in.
By the time the bombs went off... 'the elite runners' had already crossed the finish line and were well out of harm's way and that's when the horrific symbolic irony became crystal clear:
The type of character that it takes for an 'average' runner to complete a marathon... IS THE EXACT SAME CHARACTER that it takes for any 'average' person to achieve their American Dream.
It's the type of Character these two murderous thugs stopped developing when they allowed The Disease of Muslim Extremism to take control of their souls.
The reason Muslim Extremism is so seductive is because the unholy narrative of the terrorist 'Puppet Masters' has would-be terrorists believing that the 'Blood, Sweat and Tears'... should be that of anyone but--- THE PUPPET MASTER in charge.
And by buying that line, even though they thought they were serving God... these two brothers 'Made a Deal with The Devil'.
If you have never felt the sting of humiliation, then you probably don't yet fully understand just how seductive The Islamic version of 'The Blame Game' can be... and why it's so necessary today for All of US to finally join together and once and for all, take control of the narrative and make this fight... a fight over Dreams.
Because America is still...
The Place Where Dreams Come True!
Friends and neighbors... IF YOU... see something scary in the world or something important that no one else seems willing to pay the price to get right...
Don't be afraid to step into your Inspiration and fix it.
You won’t ever possess all of the pieces, so you don’t need any one of them to begin.
For a very special moment of time, You and I are just a part of the whole of it. If the problem is bigger than You then don’t be afraid to think and dream big, because in the end those who will help are naturally attracted to big thinkers and leaders with lots and lots of proven...
Freedom, Faith and Courage.
When so much needs to be done, how can You be sure You are Good Enough, Strong Enough and Smart Enough to do what needs to be done?
The truth is we don't know.
Because we don't know which promises You will keep and what Beliefs, Pain and Promises you will come to see your Self let go over time.
No we don't know, but we can Believe... in You, Your Equality and Your Ability to make the right choice when the time comes for You to decide between Right and Wrong.
Go ahead... find the purpose for your Pain, Darkness and Shame, "See the Light" and in some way, shape or form...
Share the Light and the new "Way" that you see and not the Pain, Darkness and Shame.
For centuries mankind has debated the question of 'Nature or Nurture'... in explaining away the differences in destiny and fate. But maybe it's finally time to place a new emphasis on the nature of 'Self-Nurture' and the important role that Beliefs play in determining one's 'Light or Dark' place in this world.
Because of Social Networking technology it's possible for everyone, perhaps for the first time in the history of man, to leave the past in the past and begin anew.
So go ahead and see for your Self... You Become...
That Which You See Your Self Do.
In 2006... a book called "The Secret" made its way onto the world stage.
With tremendous attention and fanfare, the secret was revealed to be "The Law of Attraction"... a mysterious force, or system of belief that seemed to deny the role of God, destiny and fate.
The authors claimed the power to manifest and create had been given to man... by "The Universe", and that all man needed to do was "believe".
So naturally "The Secret" shortcuts and the promises of the good life were easy to sell... and sell the book and video did. Millions of people all around the world bought into what The Secret had to sell.
Revenues grew and grew and grew and so did a new mystery.
If it's that easy... why doesn't someone just "believe" in world peace, or believe their way to the end of world hunger, poverty and disease.
Lack of "proof"...
Caused me and others to believe, maybe the authors should have delayed the release of the book for a few more years until they "manifested the answers" to the hard question of proof.
But maybe it's time, for those of us who believe in God, destiny and fate to consider for a moment that it's possible the book came when it did, because it was a part of "God's Plan".
So mankind would have the time and space we needed... to be able to think about The Law of Attraction as we head into these treacherous modern times.
Who is right and who is wrong... only time will tell.
Until then, as we look for answers and for those we can trust, maybe we should turn our attention and quest for the truth to the great, modern American Philosopher...
Forrest Gump.
For those who have seen the film "Forrest Gump", you know the source when you hear the words "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
But Tom Hanks who played Forrest Gump, also reasoned in talking about destiny and chance:
"I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time."
Before giving up on The Law of Attraction, maybe all of us should consider just how many things can happen at the same time and in the same space.
Remember This:
The 'lost secret' to The Law of Attraction is in the mirror.